Search results

  1. dwst480

    Preferred Charge Times, Target Level, Departure Times not working after OTA

    24-PU1024-MCP-FX installed early yesterday morning. Car was charged to 100% when I walked into the garage in the morning (usually set to 90%). Ever since then my preferred charge times and target level have been wiped and I can't reset them. I just get messages on the interface in the car and in...
  2. dwst480

    Tesla left on all day?

    Someone at my office (I don't know who) has a Tesla parked outside. For at least the last few days, I've noticed anytime I've gone outside that it's apparently been left running all day. I can clearly hear a fan running, and I'm assuming that's the AC. It's not plugged in. I've heard it at...
  3. dwst480

    What do you use for roadtrip planning and navigation?

    I'm guessing there are other threads on this topic, but I didn't find much with a search. Maybe someone can point me to them if they exist. What do you all use for your trip planning and navigation, specifically when it comes to finding DCFCs along the way? On a recent road trip from Central...
