This group has been very knowledgeable and helpful but my time with a Mach-E (and EVs in general) is over. I was seduced with the looks and instant response but I wish I'd never traded my Edge ST.
Walk away lock (when it worked) was a nice feature
Large infotainment screen was good...
Recently the car doesn't auto lock when walking away, it used to do it perfectly but the last 3 times nada, nothing, zip.
I've gone into the menu and turned that feature off then re enabled but no difference.
Anyone else had this? How was it fixed?
We all know how hopeless GOM is.
But I thought the mi/kWh was pretty accurate.... until today.
14 mile journey, 10% battery used. Car said 2.5mi/kWh
But I've got the 68.5kW battery so that's 14/6.85 = 2.05mi/kWh
Is the battery % experience and a wing and a prayer the only way to know how...
For anyone who has lived through a northern winter with their MME how does it handle ice build up on the louvres and charging?
Normally when you plug in they open for a bit then close again.
What happens if they're iced up and won't open?
Heater on.
Pre conditioned battery to 100%
First 80 miles of journey (reasnobly flat 65-70mph highway) used 37% so not too bad. Return leg the remaining battery was ticking down with the miles. 30% remaining at 30 miles but 25% remaining at 26 miles.... Holy crapballs batman.... screen...
How does the car handle regenerative braking if the battery is at 100%? Does it just go into full conventional braking mode?
I ask because when I don't precondition and drive to work I start at 90% and it goes down (yeah dude that's how it works)
But when I precondition I start at 90 but by...
I've had my MME 5+ months, no issues other than a few gremlins after an OTA.
Today did a 30 mile journey, averaged 3.3mi/kWh so wasn't pushing it, nothing out of the usual.
Got home, parked on driveway and there was a strong electrical smell, like soldering.
So made sure it wasn't near...
Has anyone replaced their fugly 19" aero wheels with regular ones and if so did your range take a hit?
I've read everything from they do nothing to they make a big difference.
Only noticed this today, when accelerating in L it feels subdued like it's still braking.
Accelerating, foot steady about 1/4 down, got to 50ish (still accelerating, flat road), pressed L to come out of Low and car instantly got quicker (no difference to foot position).
Tried it again to...
Had a really weird one today.
Drove to shops, nothing strange yet, turned car off, sync 4 went blank when door opened and all you heard was a constant bong bong bong. All power was off. Locked car, went away for 10 mins, came back, opened doors, turned on power, sync 4 was blank, just black...