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  1. Announcing: Expanded Charge Settings – Take Control of Your Charge

    I'm no expert, but doesn't this all seem to be software related, and therefore OTA-able to everyone reading this post?
  2. Seen in the wild - an MME & a Faraday Future FF91
  3. Forget about the bugs, what "feature" annoys you most?

    There is a workaround. You can program one of the 3 seat memory buttons to just dip the mirror.
  4. Thank you Rivian Joshua Tree Charging Outpost, from a wildfire evacuee.

    I camped out for the past week at a friend's place in Joshua Tree to escape the Palisades Fire in LA (so thankful for good friends and that my place was spared). Rivian is offering free DC fast charging to folks in the SoCal area to help evacuees. It's a very thoughtful gesture on their part...
  5. One new tire + three old ones?

    I considered that, but insurance is only covering the one, and I have a $1,000 deductible, so I’m trying to avoid spending any more.
  6. One new tire + three old ones?

    I had to swerve to avoid hitting a car that cut me off and jumped a curb. In addition to dealing with a munched wheel and suspension, the right front tire is being replaced. I have 26,000 miles on the car, so roughly through half the tread wear. Any recommendations on whether it's better to...
  7. My latest mod - a left foot accelerator

    I ruptured my achilles tendon a week ago (don't let them fool you about Pickleball being "safer" than tennis). To make matters worse, it's my right leg, and I was facing having to rely on friends and shelling out a lot for Door Dash & Instacart for many months to come while I have to wear a cam...
  8. I don't use Nav - it keeps telling me "The expected delay due to traffic..."

    Thanks. It seems to have randomly turned itself on (and I haven't had any OTA's in a long time).
  9. I don't use Nav - it keeps telling me "The expected delay due to traffic..."

    I don't use the built-in navigation, and it doesn't currently show any routed or planned drives. Why do I keep hearing "The expected delay due to traffic is [xx] minutes"? How do I get her to STFU?
  10. Puddle LAMPS project when mirrors are out (was: I never noticed the floor projection before!)

    My puddle lamps come on more consistently with the fob rather than PAAK.
  11. Faraday Bag For Key?

    Why bother? Because I like to use the walk-away lock feature.
  12. Faraday Bag For Key?

    ??? The whole point is to prevent the car from detecting the key.
  13. Faraday Bag For Key?

    What are your thoughts on aluminum foil? I've been using that for a long time with no issues.
  14. Faraday Bag For Key?

    No need to buy a faraday bag. Just wrap the key in aluminum foil.
  15. Galpin Ford Service Fail 🤦‍♂️

    Thanks for that. I've had some issues with Vista's service dept. also, but I'm never going back to Galpin.
  16. Galpin Ford Service Fail 🤦‍♂️

    I bought my MME from Galpin. It’s a 45 min. drive from home. Vista Ford is only 30 min., but since Galpin is the largest Ford dealer in the world, I thought it would be worthwhile going with them. But I generally take the car to Vista for servicing. I had a slew of features disabled from an...
  17. Any known fix for the "walk away lock" & "puddle light" failures?

    Thank you. It’s great to get info from someone who knows what they’re talking about (unlike the service tech at Galpin Ford.)
  18. Any known fix for the "walk away lock" & "puddle light" failures?

    So what you’re saying is there is no fix for this problem, and I should just go pick up the car?
  19. Any known fix for the "walk away lock" & "puddle light" failures?

    A software update could be incompatible with an older BCM, hence requiring its replacement.
