My solution was to install a amp 240V repaired breaker and to extend that breaker to the driveway area of my house just outside my garage installing a 50 amp Mima connector inside an electrical box that I bounced to the wall. I follow all code in doing this and now I have a way not only to...
I mean, it's not always possible. We you are on a small income and your car breaks down, and now you need a car, finding something reliable that you can afford under these terms may be impossible. If you live paycheck to paycheck, you can't technically afford any cars under this premise that...
I have not tested / used my Tesla adapter yet, but EA really is just plug and charge. I don’t know why you went through all that. I pull up, plug in, and it charges. I make sure to go to stations capable of more than 200 to ensure maximum fast charge. Most ea stations I go to are capable of...
If you trade in a car you still owe on, this is when you should be choosing a lease option instead. The lease will get your payment down, as you only pay for depreciation and interest of course. But if you keep your car the full duration of the loan, this is t a problem. I don’t see how an EV...
When solar generation is charging the power wall and you plug your EV in to charge it, that does not turn off solar. The solar panels are still producing electricity, and the power wall will charge with whatever is being provided to it.
I am having a hard time reconciling this issue. If solar is...
How is this possible? How do I burn so much electrify? I have 8.6kW of panels (not actually, as I have 400w panel on 320w micro inverted, so 8.6k is all I can use due to inverters. At 8.6kW I fluctuate but that is essentially 90% of my usage without my EV.
By law, they must provide either a spare, a mobility kit, or run flat tires. These cars come with the mobility kit. The charger goes in the round section, but that is extra.
. I purchased and installed a juice box 40. It has been charging my car since December and I have never had a single issue with the app or the charger itself. Is it possible you just have a bad update on your juice box?
Ask for the original question, to charge two vehicles at once on level two...
It probably goes without saying, however, you need to take it to a body shop to get an estimate on repair. We can only see the outside panels. We cannot see the frame to see if there’s any frame damage.
Obviously brake wear depends on driving habits. My 2016 Fusion Hybrid with 130k miles is still on the factory brake pads. Regenerative braking can bring brake wear to near zero. So it makes sense this might be an inspect more than a change
I stayed at Hilton Resorts World Las Vegas. They had lots of chargers on many levels And the cost was around $0.26-$0.34/kWh no per minute charge until after charging is complete.
At The Plaza Las Cegas, charging g was free
At Treasure Island, I paid around $0.36/kWh and they only had a dozen...
Is this just an EV thing you are referring to? I have purchased extended warranties online in the past..
Just looked it up. They are allowed, just has to be in person. So maybe I found it online, but bought it through dealership? I don’t remember it that way, but then, maybe what...
Not sure what an end user could use this for. Unless remotely assisting support engineers on the phone, none of this stuff should matter. It’s right to be hidden.
I’m have OBD Fusion, and it does work on CarPlay. I don’t use it on car play, so I cannot attest to how good or bad it is, but the icon is there and I can run the app.
My 23 MME is trash too. The phone over heats, and actually loses charge while on the wireless charger. As I understand it, I am supposed to have the new charger.
Could it just be you (not meant to sound rude)? The pin pad is powered by capacitive touch. My 2016 Fusion Hybrid behaves exactly like my Mach e. I don’t swipe, I just tap where the numbers illuminate, and I make sure I press with the flat of my finger or thumb. I tap 2-3 times to wake it...