At the risk of asking the absurd … reboot sync. After that I’d consider posting in the FDRS thread (the look up stuff one) asking if someone will pull your fault codes via vin lookup.
Then I’d very carefully think about reset on the car or departing the 12v for awhile. I’ve done the former once...
Do not try to fix this through FordPass. In your car, press the charge app. Go to saved locations. Delete the one for home or your address or anything else associated with your home. Shut the car down and walk away for a few minutes. Come back, plug the car in and charge it for 5 to 10 minutes...
Is the former home location still showing? If so delete it in the car, charge again, and set it up. I've had this happen a couple of times over the past 4 years and deleting my former home location always resolved the prob
Understandable. Are you pressing your Congressional representatives to repeal all tax breaks and subsidies to the fossil fuel industry then? Or corporate welfare to the defense industry subsidizing their civilian counterpart? If no, then your opinion on jumpstarting the electric vehicle charging...
The most likely outcome is that Congress rescinds the appropriations in a rider attached to the required continuing spending resolution in mid March. Barring that an outright repeal of the entire NEVI program and most of the IRA including infrastructure repair. The court cases being filed now...
Check out our DCFC anyway, it’ll amuse you. Hawaii island is actually ideal for BEVs. It has rolling hills galore. The issue is with the electric grid for home charging. The grid is quite bad in many areas and a lot of people, beyond “just” renters can’t expand service to include L2 EVSEs as the...
The DCFC units on this island are ancient EFACEC units. They are not supported either in software or hardware. Hawaiian Electric cannibalizes the dead units up keep the others operational. As a regulated utility they cannot open new units without PUC approval. They have permission for exactly...
Those that are opposed to this governance system, conservative, moderates, or progressive, need to be in it for the long haul. They’re counting on burn out and overload.
Perhaps. The next continuing resolution is due March 16. Offsets are not required for tax cuts.
Normally, I would agree.
The current administration is relying on lawsuits being filed and funding being frozen while the cases are heard and appealed. They aim to have any or all of these cases reach the US Supreme Court to declare the Impoundment Control Act, Title X of the Congressional...
Pressing the Buy button just takes you to the Ford page and allows you to update your credit card. Or input one of you don’t have it setup already. The app isn’t looking to see what you already might have ponied up for.
The plane connection is a bit overblown IMO. There are nods to it in ground speed (A technically accurate term not commonly used in cars). Probably more related to the mustang horse's reputation as a wild and untamed animal with a royalty-free status. Good for advertising. North American...
This is probably splitting hairs but being upside down in a loan doesn’t mean diddly unless you’re trying to offload the loan such as in a trade in or house sale etc. As long as the owner can afford the loan payments they’re fine. The loss isn’t real until it’s realized. Unless they’re using the...
Mortgages are decisions as to what is the best use of your money. Ignoring the tax code, as mortgage interest may not be deductible for most individuals any longer, it’s a simple calculation as to whether the money not paid towards the house is going to generate sufficient gains to exceed the...
I test drove the i4 out here a few months back. It was nice enough but there were a few things that personally bothered me. Specifically, no frunk and the transmission bump. In addition, I was looking at buying new and BMW nickels and dimes you to death on options. They are nice cars though and...