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  1. Mach-Evan

    See our Mach e GT tonight at Jetz Cruise-in Muskego, WI

    Every Thursday cruise in at Jetz fuel in Muskego, Wi
  2. Mach-Evan

    Trip Experience: Areas where Chargers being "ICEed" out / EV vandalism is (sadly) common

    Were there morons a hundred years ago blocking gas pumps with their horse and buggy!?! :rolleyes: I wanted to share a rather disturbing experience my wife and I had in Kentucky charging on a long journey and I'm curious if anyone else has had anything similar? We planned a RT from the...
  3. Mach-Evan

    Got stranded at a Charger 750 miles from home, Mach-e had to be towed away on dollies after waiting 8 hours

    My wife and I took our 4 week old Mach-e GT on road trip. At our last charge stop we got a "Charge State Error". After that, the car while parked threw up the "Stop safely now!" alert. Had to call Ford Roadside 5 times to get a case opened (FYI Ford Roadside assistance is outsourced to India)...
